we all love....
Saturday, May 29, 2010
salute the ones who died...
we all love....
Monday, May 24, 2010
keep calm and carry on....
bravest boy i know
Friday, May 21, 2010
climbing is exhausting...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
boys will be boys...
i have spent my better than 4 years of parenting avoiding guns (or anything else highly aggressive)for my first son.
but its innate in him. it continues to suprise me how he figures out cops & robbers, cowboys, army men, good guys & bad guys, etc... its truely part of his nature and being.
but they scare me... this day & age these things SCARE me.
then i wonder... all this sheltering kids from bad... does it push them to want it more? think about "that kid" you knew in college that went wild when they finally got out from under their parents strict rules.... drugs, drinking, sex, tattoos, etc. not just experimental stuff... you know, that kid who went wild! does sheilding them from guns and violence just push them to want it more.

Friday, May 14, 2010
some crazy weather
when i woke up the sun with shining... an hour later, RAIN! then hot muggy sun. then cool sun. more rain... thunderstorms lurking! Which makes for planning fun challenging!
this is something that keeps jack busy for hours!
BUT: its like occupational therapy and total relaxation for all involved!
how to.... mix corn starch in water. its very bizarre. go slow. get dirty!
(note: you are better off going light on the water and adding as you go. once you add too much you can not go backwards)
here are a few photos of my little man enjoying the moment..... well it was more than a moment, he enjoyed this for hours... which for him is a huge deal!

what do you call these? we call them "pruney fingers" in my family. and jack thought this was way way cool!

and how does this picture not just make you want to get messy all the time!??!?!
stay tuned... happy weekend!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
raising boys is....

... well... is very "bipolar".
we have coined this "crooked face"... how do you think he gets his face that crooked? we can't figure it out!
**this means no disrespect to those suffering from this illness. im a social worker in my pre-mom days and have the utmost respect for this challenging illness**
today... (just a snap shot... if i captured the entire day we'd be here a long time)
he woke up all snuggly and told me how much he loved me
two seconds later he was literally POUNDING his feet around like a dinosaur... at 615 am.
then gave me the most nasty look ever when i asked him to stop because his brother is sleeping
then had a tantrum because he was told he had to earn back a toy he had lost from previous day
then slammed door
then declared he was not eating
then demanded breakfast?!?!?!?!
i made breakfast. the one he asked for.
then he decided it was NOT what he wanted. at all.
baby fell down 3 steps (he is fine) he scurried worriedly to make sure he was okay... sweet moment!
then he rode around on his brothers ride on toy as if he were on a race track screaming at the top of his lungs....
then simply watching tv quiet as a mouse all snuggled up and professed his love for me.
then i got up to answer the phone and came back to find him punching his 1 year old brother.
he didn't seem to care when sent to his room- which annoyed me further.
(gosh i wish my husband were coming home to deal with this)
then said "momma, can you kiss my boo boo, your kisses make it alllll better"
and that my friends is the one moment in the day that i cling to in order to remain sane.... sane not being the opperative word!
this is him living life to the fullest having 150% fun
ahhh...asleep on the plane! a miracle!
im off to bed shortly... my little man exhausted me today....stay tuned my friends
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
and so it began!
lets see... i have a 'thing' about lower case font.
i love to cook but wish i had more ambition about it.
i am passionate about pictures. i hate when people say "you have a great camera"... no, its the person behind the camera people!!!
im not crafty. but i'd like to be. i like to shop... but don't have much time for it anymore.
i love to give ... and receive monogrammed gifts.
im sarcastic. and honest. i really hate confrontation. it makes me wildly uncomfortable. i really like things organized.
i find humor in inappropriate things.
i call my mother every single day, by choice.
i am a mom of 2 amazing little boys... i marvel every day at how different they are. and for that i am truly grateful. it keeps me on my toes. there is never a dull moment in my house.
i am the youngest of five. they all still think of me as a baby. and i think of them as babies. but thats for an entirely different blog ;) i love my big family and hate being alone because i grew up with people around... many people.... always. it was nice!
i consider myself very blessed and fortunate in life.
i'm surrounded by amazing people... i have more than my fair share of beautiful friends. inside & out. id be lost forever without them. i believe life should be simple, but sometimes its hard to keep it that way... but i try!!!!!!
sometimes i talk to much... which is obvious to you if your still reading!
i married my high school sweet heart! how lucky am i? ? ? he is the most hard working man ive ever met in my life... that in itself comes with lots of pros & cons........ which leads me to how i came to this place.
"the happily married single momma".
i do it all myself monday through friday. and the weekends come and its a mad dash to spend family time, couple time, me time, and get all the house hold stuff done too. we (me and my little men) bust at the seems at who gets him first (my baby's daddy that is)!
so thats it. well that is the beginning. here i hope to captivate and maybe even inspire you with my antics of a day in our life.... im not complaining (well sometimes i do) i'm just tellin' it like it is!
i always have a camera with me... i have tons of pictures, which i will share here. this is an attempt, one of hundreds, for a picture of my little men... it sums up life perfectly!
stay tuned as i figure this whole blog world out!