we have new diggs! finally a house of our own! every nook & crannie is ours! the first real night here we went to use our microwave, which is brand new installed over our oven, and it blew the power out.... my hubbie and i looked at eachother and kinda laughed as we proudly realized this was OUR problem... there was no one to call. and we loved that!
we are busy nesting and settling.
i was just reading another blog where the author referred to something as familiar and cozy. these words really stood out to me. they hit home.
i like things familiar & cozy. i don't do well with change. i have been fighting the feeling of homelessness ... almost a sense of displacement. yuck!
but i do love our new digs! i love the light that pours in, the family room downstairs, the colors we have chosen to paint to make it more our own, i love the deck, the pool and our attic fan! i love the quiet hum of birds and dogs and kids running around... this is a real novelty as our old home was perched right beside the highway! we love to sleep with the windows open and enjoy just cruising around on our bikes!
we do miss our old neighbors though!!!! we had it good and boy do we miss them! hopefully in time we can find some new friends to make new memories with!
here are a few random pictures of us enjoying our new familiar & cozy (well almost familiar and working on cozy!)
my little fishy loves the pool we acquired!
having lots of fun with friends over to swim
my favorite little man and favorite little lady all bundled up after a swim!
this guy couldn't be happier to have his own yard to tend to!
sometimes its super cute.... and others id like to kill him as he would spend every waking moment out there primping the lawn and landscape!
first night at our new house for a pizza picnic!
for some reason i have not taken any pictures of the new house! guess i need to work on that...