Monday, February 18, 2013

blog what?

i miss my blog. 
i think i am back because i miss the journal in the blog life. 
in recent weeks, months, even years... i have come to many realizations in life, due to experiences and just simply growing up. 
i miss having a place to share those things. 
and i have been neglecting my camera as well. 
in 2013 i have vowed to pick up my camera more.
learn my third baby. 
photog my other tow monsters i mean babies. 

this morning i decided that i have HUGE plans to sort through over the next 9 or 10 years. 
maybe even less. 

when my children decide that some day, they want to sleep in, i will set my alarm for 6, maybe 5 am... and have a mean jam session of karaoke outside their doors, vacuum, maybe borrow the neighbors dog, set of the smoke detector, do a little step aerobics in the hall... whatever i need to do to get their asses out of bed.

payback is a bitch. fools! 
i recently saw another blogger refer to her child as "the loud one". 
i am stealing that idea. 
because quite frankly, my  loud one far out does hers. 
hands down. 
i even had his hearing checked once because i was worried he was so loud. 
no. such. luck. 
he hears perfect! 
he just likes to be loud. 
i say, many times a day, "i am 2 feet away, i can hear you". 
his feet have bricks on the bottom, i swear. 
he is just so. so. sooooo. loud. 

im working on a name for the other kid of mine. 
today is not the day to do that. 
i didn't like him very much today. 
he tortured me. 

and for good measure... and old time sakes
i present some photos of recent days

my book worm

little snuggles.

crazy boy at stratton. 

this happened. at 530 pm. cute right? 
not. so. much. 

this is also happening officially in a few days. 
the loud one {he! he!} wont stop growing. 

ready for his par-tay

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