Tuesday, September 21, 2010

chaos & i

i tend to function better in chaos.
{i'm social working myself i think here!}

but this summer i craved routine and structure... and a little something for me!
i love being a stay at home mom. but it is harder than anything i have ever done before! and i have really been looking for a balance... 
my word is 

when it rains it pours!
not so much of a balance. but it feels good!

i decided to sign on to be a Stella & Dot stylist!
i adore the baubles! so fun and trendy but classic and timeless too!
something for everyone!

at the same time, i decided to pick up some per diem hours working again!
it is crazy... but i can not wait to sit down and do some therapy again!
i can't wait to do documenation!
write reports!
get yelled at by parents...
and cursed at by defiant little kids!

i think i'll be better at my job now.
now that i AM a parent.
i get it.
i used to think i got it... but i didn't.
now i do.
i get how kids push you to your breaking point.
i get how without support and coping skills... the unthinkable CAN happen.
i get how you make choices to survive on a day to day basis, without understanding the long term impact these choices will have and how these choices become... bad habits!

i am really excited!
and really nervous!

{and looking forward to shopping for some back to work clothes... to wear with my new stella & dot goodies that should be arriving any day now!}

and in the meantime... life as usual marches on!
i heard giggles from the laundry area... i looked and saw nothing at first.
then i saw THIS!
see this guy? you know, the back of him? running in the other direction?
i see it ALL the time! and sometimes, i don't SEE him sneaking away!
he snuck off while we visited family in NY. it was scary!
he is sneaky and slick! 
and is currently aging me rapidly!

a good attempt at a family photo! 

we also attempted at getting a photo of all the cousins with nonna!
it always looks something like this!
organized chaos! it makes me laugh really hard... out loud!

it is almost impossible! some day {hopefully} they will all be old enough to sit nicely and smile normally with their nonna to get the picture she really wants! in the meantime... its a riot!

he thinks he is big! 

can't you just see the mischief in his eyes??

i recently discovered i don't take many photos of my kids just smiling. 
i love to capture the moments... not the pose.
so i am going to try and get a few of their beautiful pearly whites that make my heart skip a beat!

after our trip to visit cousins... my little man fell asleep on the car ride home.
he was like a drunken commuter on the train... head bobbin forward and unable to keep his eyes open!
sometimes... even the tough guys are still little babes at heart needing a snooze!

and while the little man was snoozing in the back seat... the one that should have been sleeping... yapping away!!!!

hope your all having a great week!!!


  1. i'm commenting! ;) okay, something about Sam just makes me laugh - not sure if it's your stories or just him, but you can just see that wild man sparkle in his eyes. your pictures are fantastic! so excited for you and your new adventures. love reading the blog!

  2. thanks julie! he does seem to have that wild man sparkle... which is scary!
